Meet John

My name is John Thomas. I am a resident of The Greatest City in the World - Kittanning, Pennsylvania. I’m a husband to my loving wife Sara of 21 years, a father of two beautiful daughters, and now a grandfather of two members of Pennsylvania’s future.

I’ve worked as an educator for over 20 years. Having worked in public, private, and charter school education, I have a deep passion for knowledge and building a brighter future for the next generation.

In addition to being a lifelong teacher and learner, I’m also a devout Christian. As an active member and elder at Harvest Church in West Kittanning, I teach a 5th and 6th grade Sunday School class, serve on the cafe team, and am involved with their jail ministry.

I believe deeply in the power of private charity, the service of my fellow man, and taking human action. In addition to my church volunteer work, I’ve also volunteered with Connections of Armstrong County, my local Community Garden, Living Water Church’s Summer of Serve, Habitat for Humanity's Rock the Block, and I’ve served as secretary of the Armstrong County Libertarian Party.

When I’m not working, volunteering, serving my church, or spending time with my family, you will probably find me reading or writing, which is why I’ve chosen to utilize Substack as the main information source for this campaign.

I am running for US Senate to spread the ideas of liberty, peace, and prosperity in Pennsylvania. While I know I’m a longshot to defeat the entrenched political elites in November, I hope to serve as a strong voice for change that will stand up for Pennsylvanians tired of their hard-earned money going to foreign wars across the world and constantly being devalued by Federal Reserve printing-caused inflation.

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I am the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania's nominee for US Senate in 2024. Join me in my campaign to bring the ideas of liberty, peace, and prosperity to Pennsylvania.


Resident of Kittanning. Father. Husband. Christian. Libertarian for US Senate. Peace. Prosperity. Pennsylvania.